
Lads Lads Lads

I’m going to be a Dad. I should clarify, I’m going to be a stay-at-home Dad. We’re not having another baby yet. That would be moving quite fast.

I’ve decided to ease back from work in January to be the primary carer for little Max Power. Helena will be the bread winner, I’ll be the bread maker. She’s good at winning bread and I’m good at making it (and eating it). So that’s a win win.

Who am I kidding, I’m not going to be baking any bread. The last sourdough I made took more than a week to make from start to finish. The ingredients didn’t cost much, but if I factored in my time making it, it was a bloody expensive loaf. And then there’s the small matter of keeping Max and Ray alive and well.

My Dad has recently bought a bread maker (much to the annoyance of my Mum). So I’m expecting their house to have a constant smell of freshly baked bread. Which will come in handy if they ever come to sell the house. Ah the smell of freshly baked bread, it gets homebuyers’ senses going, apparently. You can actually buy freshly baked bread air fresheners. Ideal if you want to feel hungry all day, or if you’ve ever felt like living in a Greggs.

Max, Ray and I are going to be living the dream! Living the sleeping, feeding and nappy changing dream that is. Both Max and Ray are pretty good at sleeping and eating, but I can hold my own in those areas too. So we’ll all be learning a thing or two from each other. Apparently, my sister slept through the night from six weeks old. Max will be six weeks on Monday, so he has two days left to master it. Wishful thinking.

Us lads can’t lounge about all day, so I’ll be getting back to work in 2022. It turns out you need to win quite a lot of bread to pay for nursery and all of Ray’s counselling needs (he’s a complex mutt). Helena’s Money Tree hasn’t delivered good returns yet, in fact it’s looking a bit sad moving into winter. I have explained to her that it doesn’t actually produce money, and she should just keep winning the bread for now.